Vark Exam

Determining Your Learning Style

Read each question or statement and circle the most appropriate answer. Some will be difficult to answer, but try to respond according to how you would react most often.

You usually remember more from a class lecture when:
a. You do not take notes but listen very closely
b. You sit near the front of the room and watch the speaker
c. You take notes (whether or not you look at them again)

You usually solve problems by:
a. Talking to yourself or a friend
b. Using an organized, systematic approach with lists, schedules, etc.
c. Walking, pacing, or some other physical activity

You remember phone numbers (when you can’t write them down) by:
a. Repeating the numbers orally
b. “Seeing” or “visualizing” the numbers in your mind
c. “Writing” the numbers with your finger on a table or wall

You find it easiest to learn something new by:
a. Listening to someone explain how to do it
b. Watching a demonstration of how to do it
c. Trying it yourself

You remember most clearly from a movie:
a. What the characters said, background noises and music
b. The setting, scenery, and costumes
c. The feelings you experienced during the movie

When you go to the grocery store, you:
a. Silently or orally repeat the grocery list
b. Walk up and down the aisles to see what you need
c. Usually remember what you need from the list you left at home

You are trying to remember something and so you:
a. Hear in your mind what was said or the noises that occurred
b. Try to see it happen in your mind
c. Feel the way “it” reacted with your emotions

You learn a foreign language best by:
a. Listening to records or tapes
b. Writing and using workbooks
c. Attending a class in which you read and write

You are confused about the correct spelling of a word and so you:
a. Sound it out
b. Try to “see” the word in your mind
c. Write the word several different ways and choose the one that looks right

You enjoy reading most when you can read:
a. Dialogue between characters
b. Descriptive passages that allow you to create mental pictures
c. Stories with a lot of action in the beginning (because you have a hard time sitting still)

You usually remember people you have met by their:
a. Names (you forget faces)
b. Faces (you forget names)
c. Mannerisms, motions, etc.

You are distracted most by:
a. Noises
b. People
c. Environment (temperature, comfort of furniture, etc.)

You usually dress:
a. Fairly well (but clothes are not very important to you)
b. Neatly (in a particular style)
c. Comfortably (so you can move easily)

You can’t do anything physical and you can’t read, so you choose to:
a. Talk with a friend
b. Watch TV or look out a window
c. Move slightly in your chair or bed

1. Count the total number of responses for each letter and write them below:

a.________ auditory (learn best by hearing)

b ________ visual (learn best by seeing)

c.________ kinesthetic (learn best by touching, doing, moving)

2. Notice if one modality is significantly higher or lower, or if any two modalities are close in number.

© 2004 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I'm not sure I agree with the results:)

According to the test I'm a Kinesthetic learner (I got 7 c's!). The result really surprised me, because I always strongly believed that I'm a visual one. In fact, I took a similar test around nine years ago and at that time I, indeed, was a visual learner. (I guess, people do change, after all :). ) I'm not sure if it was moving to another country, or a six-year break between schools, or a different approach in American education that affected my learning style.
Nevertheless, I do like to learn things by trying it myself first. I also tend to use my hands while speaking. And even though I do write a word several different ways and then choose one that looks right, I don't think that I'm a poor speller. I always thought that it reflects my capabilities of a visual learner rather than a kinesthetic one. I do take notes at a lecture, but I also like to listen to the professor's explanation and to follow up by a discussion of the topic with my classmates. Moreover, I disagree with the statement that kinesthetic learners don't like to read. Since I am one (based on the results), I can say for myself that I love reading when I have a good book in my hands.
My learning techniques never failed me before, and I hope they will work in this class too. Although I don't quite agree with the outcome of this test (I still believe that I'm as much visual as kinesthetic), I'm certain that kinesthetic style of learning can bring new and unconventional ideas and show new angles in either in-class or online discussions, which will make our studying more interesting and, therefore, more beneficial to all of us. I believe that by integrating our learning styles we can make this class a great experience to remember.

F.Y.I. After I posted my answer, I did some research on what VARK stands for. It turns out that it is an abbreviation for FOUR (!) learning techniques: V - visual, A - auditory, R - read/write, and K - kinesthetic. I thought it might be interesting for you to know:)


Alex Turetsky said...

Tatsiana, do not be confused. In the game that is called studying winners are not those who possess only one educational talent, but rather those who successfully combine a number of them. Since your educational record indicates that you succeeded tremendously, I think you are equally a great auditory, visual and kinesthetic learner. After all is it really matter what is the name of your technique if you deliver a great result? It should be a concern to those who struggle to study, but definitely not to you. :)

Tatsiana said...

Alex! As always, you find just the right words:) I completely agree that one can achieve the best results only by incorporating different learning techniques. Since I do that all the time, I certainly don't like to be labeled. I believe that one can't make a judgement based on only one side of the story. It is more important what I think of myself rather than admitting test results without doubt.
In fact, I just did some research on the VARK test and guess what I found out? Well, first of all, now I know that VARK stands for FOUR (!) learning styles (I'm not gonna tell you which ones - surely, you can easily find that out for yourself;)). Second, I did another test and it turned out that I'm as much an Auditory Learner as I am a Kinesthetic one!:) And third, if you combine two other categories into Visual (I believe, this can be done), my score will be at the same level as the previous two. I am definitely not confused anymore:)

KarinaG said...

Tatsiana, when you mentioned on your post that you are not sure why the difference between the results of this test and the one you took 9 yrs ago, I think changing countries has to do a lot with it.
I myself moved to the U.S. 6 yrs ago; and as the cultures could differ, the educational method too. I find myself being more expose to a visual type of learning now being in the U.S. than when I was in Peru. I believe our countries, and there is nothing wrong with it, use more "the old school" method- auditory. So the different outcomes on your results could be a product of this change of environment (moving to the U.S.) Now on the other hand, I totally agree with you when you said that "one can achieve the best results only by incorporating different learning techniques". Like economist says, "maximizing profits by using the most efficient method". I like to picture it like a gardener who goes into the field picking up only the best flowers nature offers him, and creates the most colorful, beautiful bouquet for the bride and soon wife to be =)

whereisjeffrey said...

I too am a kinesthetic learner, and I too love too read(pop up books!!)jk
I love reading about science and nature and culture.
Another thing I really like that you said was that people can transition around within these three or even other learning tendencies. I really agree. For example, I read that the spaital part of the brain that is visual is performs much better in taxi drivers. If you can go from being a whatever learner to a more visual learner just by driving a taxi God only knows what you can do with a book and performance enhancing drugs.

whereisjeffrey said...

Ohh my God I am so embarrassed I totally just spelled the word too where I should have put to.