Vark Exam

Determining Your Learning Style

Read each question or statement and circle the most appropriate answer. Some will be difficult to answer, but try to respond according to how you would react most often.

You usually remember more from a class lecture when:
a. You do not take notes but listen very closely
b. You sit near the front of the room and watch the speaker
c. You take notes (whether or not you look at them again)

You usually solve problems by:
a. Talking to yourself or a friend
b. Using an organized, systematic approach with lists, schedules, etc.
c. Walking, pacing, or some other physical activity

You remember phone numbers (when you can’t write them down) by:
a. Repeating the numbers orally
b. “Seeing” or “visualizing” the numbers in your mind
c. “Writing” the numbers with your finger on a table or wall

You find it easiest to learn something new by:
a. Listening to someone explain how to do it
b. Watching a demonstration of how to do it
c. Trying it yourself

You remember most clearly from a movie:
a. What the characters said, background noises and music
b. The setting, scenery, and costumes
c. The feelings you experienced during the movie

When you go to the grocery store, you:
a. Silently or orally repeat the grocery list
b. Walk up and down the aisles to see what you need
c. Usually remember what you need from the list you left at home

You are trying to remember something and so you:
a. Hear in your mind what was said or the noises that occurred
b. Try to see it happen in your mind
c. Feel the way “it” reacted with your emotions

You learn a foreign language best by:
a. Listening to records or tapes
b. Writing and using workbooks
c. Attending a class in which you read and write

You are confused about the correct spelling of a word and so you:
a. Sound it out
b. Try to “see” the word in your mind
c. Write the word several different ways and choose the one that looks right

You enjoy reading most when you can read:
a. Dialogue between characters
b. Descriptive passages that allow you to create mental pictures
c. Stories with a lot of action in the beginning (because you have a hard time sitting still)

You usually remember people you have met by their:
a. Names (you forget faces)
b. Faces (you forget names)
c. Mannerisms, motions, etc.

You are distracted most by:
a. Noises
b. People
c. Environment (temperature, comfort of furniture, etc.)

You usually dress:
a. Fairly well (but clothes are not very important to you)
b. Neatly (in a particular style)
c. Comfortably (so you can move easily)

You can’t do anything physical and you can’t read, so you choose to:
a. Talk with a friend
b. Watch TV or look out a window
c. Move slightly in your chair or bed

1. Count the total number of responses for each letter and write them below:

a.________ auditory (learn best by hearing)

b ________ visual (learn best by seeing)

c.________ kinesthetic (learn best by touching, doing, moving)

2. Notice if one modality is significantly higher or lower, or if any two modalities are close in number.

© 2004 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The results of my Vark test were a bit surprising simply because I always felt I was somewhat of a visual learner. According to the results, I am borderline auditory & visual. I scored a 5 on auditory & a close 4 on visual, which means that I learn from both observation & keen listening.

I would definitely agree with the results simply because I love to listen. People have always told me that I am a great listener which is a trait that many people lack.

To be a good student - one must be able to observe & listen. Likewise, to be a good employee - one must also possess these same attributes to progress in their career.

All in all, I think the test was accurate and fair. It will definitely help me to be a more productive student, employee & person in life.


Christy B said...

I am a visual learner myself and think being a good listener like yourself is a great quality to have. That is a big weakness of mine. I find that I do not grasp the information that is being said to me if I do not write things down while listening. Information said to me goes in one ear and out the other without registering if I do not take notes. I like your reference to this applying to employment as well.

nikita said...

I have read your post and was surprised that you are both auditory and visual learner. It was said that the visual learner is opposite the auditory learner, and "lectures and class discussions don't work well for them,...,since there are no visual clues for them to gasp". For me, if I don't see or touch the object is very difficult to obserb information. It is very valuable quality and will help in educational process

BRESKA said...

i can see how Nikita is confused by your statement!!
but i also believe that nobody is restricted to one type of learning, even though they sound like opposites ...
but what i think you meant is that you have the ability to listen and focus but would also prefer to see it demonstrated to confirm what you learned !
corret me if im wrong :)

Shazia said...

Being a good listener is really a very good quality to have. I am sure many people are border-line categories, falling into one or the other.
We can certainly learn from each other! We can learn your qualities, and you can learn the effects of visualisation in grasping the big picture in any learning scenario.