Vark Exam
Read each question or statement and circle the most appropriate answer. Some will be difficult to answer, but try to respond according to how you would react most often.
You usually remember more from a class lecture when:
a. You do not take notes but listen very closely
b. You sit near the front of the room and watch the speaker
c. You take notes (whether or not you look at them again)
You usually solve problems by:
a. Talking to yourself or a friend
b. Using an organized, systematic approach with lists, schedules, etc.
c. Walking, pacing, or some other physical activity
You remember phone numbers (when you can’t write them down) by:
a. Repeating the numbers orally
b. “Seeing” or “visualizing” the numbers in your mind
c. “Writing” the numbers with your finger on a table or wall
You find it easiest to learn something new by:
a. Listening to someone explain how to do it
b. Watching a demonstration of how to do it
c. Trying it yourself
You remember most clearly from a movie:
a. What the characters said, background noises and music
b. The setting, scenery, and costumes
c. The feelings you experienced during the movie
When you go to the grocery store, you:
a. Silently or orally repeat the grocery list
b. Walk up and down the aisles to see what you need
c. Usually remember what you need from the list you left at home
You are trying to remember something and so you:
a. Hear in your mind what was said or the noises that occurred
b. Try to see it happen in your mind
c. Feel the way “it” reacted with your emotions
You learn a foreign language best by:
a. Listening to records or tapes
b. Writing and using workbooks
c. Attending a class in which you read and write
You are confused about the correct spelling of a word and so you:
a. Sound it out
b. Try to “see” the word in your mind
c. Write the word several different ways and choose the one that looks right
You enjoy reading most when you can read:
a. Dialogue between characters
b. Descriptive passages that allow you to create mental pictures
c. Stories with a lot of action in the beginning (because you have a hard time sitting still)
You usually remember people you have met by their:
a. Names (you forget faces)
b. Faces (you forget names)
c. Mannerisms, motions, etc.
You are distracted most by:
a. Noises
b. People
c. Environment (temperature, comfort of furniture, etc.)
You usually dress:
a. Fairly well (but clothes are not very important to you)
b. Neatly (in a particular style)
c. Comfortably (so you can move easily)
You can’t do anything physical and you can’t read, so you choose to:
a. Talk with a friend
b. Watch TV or look out a window
c. Move slightly in your chair or bed
1. Count the total number of responses for each letter and write them below:
a.________ auditory (learn best by hearing)
b ________ visual (learn best by seeing)
c.________ kinesthetic (learn best by touching, doing, moving)
2. Notice if one modality is significantly higher or lower, or if any two modalities are close in number.
© 2004 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN.
Blog Archive
- Vark Test
- Vark learning style no surprise there
- Vark Test
- I fairly agree...
- Very interesting Vark exam
- fsaljfsdljfsda;lkjf
- I Completely Agree !!!
- I found this relatively helpful.
- Kinethestic Guy
- Vark Test results
- pretty much accurate
- Vark Learning Style assignment
- According to the Vark exam I am more kinesthetic a...
- Response from Julija Grigoryan
- I'm not sure I agree with the results:)
- vark test
- Vark Exam
- Results of Vark test
- The results of my Vark test were a bit surprising ...
- After taking the Vark test I realize that I am a v...
- After taking the Vark exam I found out that I was ...
- Vark Learning Style
Monday, September 15, 2008
Vark Test
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Vark learning style no surprise there
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Vark Test
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
I fairly agree...
Very interesting Vark exam
I think it is very healthy for all of us class-mates to have different learning styles because this way we can all help one another in learning the art of literature. Us visual learners are affective and sensitive, and relate learning to our emotions. Therefore we would love to share whole-heartedly, our knowledge with others, via our presentation groups or class discussions.
It is a great class and I look forward to more readings!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Thursday, September 4, 2008
I Completely Agree !!!
I was surprised to find out that there are several types of learning, namely, auditory, visual and kinesthetic. I had always thought that the norm of class instruction was primarily through lecture and that, by listening and focusing, I would do well in class. This required me to conform to an auditory mode that involved an amount of effort that I had difficulty adapting to.
The struggle I experienced focusing in class had to do with my predisposition to visual learning. I, for one, do not fit the description of a “traditional” student since memorizing is one of my weak points. I had always excelled in subjects that involved a lot of theories , formulas , and visual graphics.
I believe that my method of learning will help most during class presentations and assignments . As a visual learner, I tend to use object lessons as one of the techniques to deliver a message. I would also help contribute to the class by looking at the big picture. I strongly believe that having classmates with different learning skills will help us view topics from various points of view which in turn will allow us to have lively discussions .
I found this relatively helpful.
I think I can contribute to this class by sharing my notes and mental pictures of a story. Also, I think I can use my visual learning style to complete my assignment successfully. I can make clear mental pictures of a story, and I can remember the setting of a movie well.
Kinethestic Guy
This being said, I always perform better in listening when I am taking notes. I don't feel that inherently this is a way I "excel" at listening but moreso a complete diversion from my tendency to daydream. I'm not really sure I excel at any method of listening or thing whatsoever on that note but that's a whole nother story.
Another thing that I find for myself is I could watch someone do the most simple thing in the world a thousand times and learn less than doing it only once myself with my hands. I've gotten into a lot of trouble at jobs with this, people get so mad but just don't understand.
Vark Test results
If students have difficulties learning by auditory methods, the visual methods comes to play. Visualizing, picturing, manifesting helps you to better understand a new concept being introduced to you. The third and final step is kinesthetic- trying, performing, and doing it yourself. In other words, first hand experience. My low score as a kinesthetic learner has to do with the fact (1) I’m a fast learner; I catch the main ideas really quickly (2) Because by the second step I’ve already learned, processed and materialized the new concept, I barely go to the third step since it has no benefits for me.
My learning style will contribute to class on a way that I will be able to better interact with those auditory and visual learners. I will grasp main ideas either by listening or seeing something, and I will be able to share knowledge with classmates either by participating on class or by group discussion. In the other hand, having “the best of two worlds” =) will add much much more to the completion of assignments, and I will have a vast group of resources from where to choose the best way to describe something learned on class.
pretty much accurate
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Vark Learning Style assignment
I thought I was more of a visual person my same like I mostly imagine things to help me remember something or guide me towards something like where I left my books or my keys. I always picture a story or a poem in my mind that helps me make the story or poem more enjoyable while I'm readng it. As visual pertaining to this course, I think it's better and much more easier for someone to give a speech or a presentation about someone's vacation or their trip to the 2008 Beijing Olympics rather than having notes in front of you. Having notes in front of you is more like touching which being a paper or some notes.This is more like a kinesthetic type person. So, in my mind, good visualization and having no notes when giving a speech is caetainly better than having notes in front of you like president bush. He rarely uses anything except his mind. As for the class, I think everyone should think of something before giving a presentation that helps them be less nervous and could overall enlightens the class. This helps me get rid of my fear of speaking in public and I think this will have the calss room as well. If they want to use this kind of method. I'm more of this sort of type person compared to the other two categories.
According to this test, one of the question mentioned about visualizing when reading a poem or a short story. I absolutely think this a great opportunity by picturing something in mind while moving alot just like picturing you in a movie that has a beginning and a end. As a way of doing things, I think this helps and I'm usually this type of person.
According to the Vark exam I am more kinesthetic and visual learner, rather than auditory, as I got 6 c’s and 5 b’s. Honestly to say I wasn’t surprised with my results because during my life I always learned better by doing something, touching or seeing, but not listening. There are always better results in educational process when you have stimulus and physically involved in that process.
As I can see from the results, auditory way of learning is twice less effective for me compared to kinesthetic way. It is harder for me to learn something by sitting and listening, which could be a problem as it is the most popular way of teaching. It must be very interesting and useful topic for me to keep attention on a speaker and learn from him.
Response from Julija Grigoryan
I am sure that my learning style will be to the benefit of the class.
Firstly, Kinesthetic senses will allow me to come up with original ideas which will make educational process both amusing and effective. Students are inclined to memorize and perceive unordinary delivery of a subject better than information that is presented in a mind-numbing way.
Secondly, as a Visual learner I’ll be able to point out the details of a particular topic discussed in class that may not be as vivid to other students as to me. Such skill will definitely enhance the educational process since it will help learners to conceive meaning of a subject in a broader way.
The last, but definitely not the least sense that will facilitate effective learning in class is Auditory. People who acquire such learning style are tend to create competitive atmosphere in class imperceptibly forcing other students to “strive for the best they can be”.
To conclude, implementation of different learning techniques is essential but not sufficient. I believe that any educational process should be accompanied by positive thinking and desire.
I'm not sure I agree with the results:)
Nevertheless, I do like to learn things by trying it myself first. I also tend to use my hands while speaking. And even though I do write a word several different ways and then choose one that looks right, I don't think that I'm a poor speller. I always thought that it reflects my capabilities of a visual learner rather than a kinesthetic one. I do take notes at a lecture, but I also like to listen to the professor's explanation and to follow up by a discussion of the topic with my classmates. Moreover, I disagree with the statement that kinesthetic learners don't like to read. Since I am one (based on the results), I can say for myself that I love reading when I have a good book in my hands.
My learning techniques never failed me before, and I hope they will work in this class too. Although I don't quite agree with the outcome of this test (I still believe that I'm as much visual as kinesthetic), I'm certain that kinesthetic style of learning can bring new and unconventional ideas and show new angles in either in-class or online discussions, which will make our studying more interesting and, therefore, more beneficial to all of us. I believe that by integrating our learning styles we can make this class a great experience to remember.
F.Y.I. After I posted my answer, I did some research on what VARK stands for. It turns out that it is an abbreviation for FOUR (!) learning techniques: V - visual, A - auditory, R - read/write, and K - kinesthetic. I thought it might be interesting for you to know:)
vark test
As stated in the information about kinesthetic way of learning “when they read, their lips or fingers will move to help them retain information”, I also feel that I memorize information better by reciting it rather than just staring at a page for a long period of time. I think that I can contribute to this class by incorporating both visual and kinesthetic skills during class discussion sand presentations. Also, my kinesthetic and visual skills will better enable me to make PowerPoint presentations and other such projects. I also hope that this class will help me in improving auditory skills of learning.
Vark Exam
Results of Vark test
My results of the test are as follows: a-6, b-4, c-4. As I predicted I am mostly an auditory learner, with some features of visual and kinesthetic one. A totally agree with the statement that the traditional learning process favors an auditory learning style. Perhaps, that is why I personally tend to develop skills that are more effective in the current educational system. For example, I noticed not once that during a professor’s lecture when the material is the most critical to remember and understand, I usually stop writing and just listen to the lecturer. I have also noticed that I very rarely reread those writings I have already made. I stopped doing the common student’s error when, for example, being mostly an auditory learner he spends most of the time trying to memorize written material. I guess that understanding of your own memory’s unique features and strengths could lead to the substantial improvement in learning experience. What most important is not to follow the common trend but instead try to listen to your own mind, which I believe will direct you to the right path.
As to the contribution to the class and successful completion of assignments; I hope that this class will be communication intensive that applies well on my learning style. I like class discussion and in case it is something that interests me, willingly participate in it. I like to share my own experience and to hear the others one. Nevertheless English is my second language and spoken language appears to be my weakest part, I don’t fill shy or embarrassed due to my accent or awkward pronunciation, if I really have something to say. Since I am not so good in visual learning I just hope that books, we are about to read this semester, are not boring and do not contain too many descriptive chapters. So first, in order to succeed in class I will rely on my strong sides such as critical thinking, logic and life experience. And since there is no chance to avoid massive reading I will try my best to meet the requirements.
I would definitely agree with the results simply because I love to listen. People have always told me that I am a great listener which is a trait that many people lack.
To be a good student - one must be able to observe & listen. Likewise, to be a good employee - one must also possess these same attributes to progress in their career.
All in all, I think the test was accurate and fair. It will definitely help me to be a more productive student, employee & person in life.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
I think I can contribute to this class by working with others that favor auditory or kinesthetic ways of learning. I can show them the pros of learning visually and why I find things easier to understand when they are presented to me visually. I can also learn what makes auditory and kinesthetic learning easier to others and thus learn something new from my peers.
I hope to use my visual learning ability to so well in class and try to be more in tuned with the auditory and kinesthetic part of learning.
My auditory learning style will contribute a lot during our class discussions because I'll have a chance to share my opinions and thoughts with my class mates. On the other hand my kinesthetic learning style will contribute especially during the Presentation since it's based on how to do something and it fits my learning style.
I find this exam very helpful because it's importnat to know what type of learner you are.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Vark Learning Style
The way I handle a lot of things in my life usually involves writing. Whether I am writing my thoughts and feelings in my journal or want to remember details of an event, I write everything down. I feel a sense of accomplishment when I organize things in a list and have a plan. After I complete the task, I like to check it off.
Since we will be visually discussing topics throughout the semester, I hope to be successful in completing the assignments. This way I can read through something as much as I need to until I understand the material.